

Bwanji simungavale zinthu zachitsulo panthawi ya X-ray

Pa mayeso a X-ray, adotolo kapena katswiri wa katswiri amakumbutsa wodwalayo kuchotsa zodzikongoletsera zilizonse kapena zovala zomwe zimakhala ndi zinthu zachitsulo. Zinthu ngati izi zimaphatikizapo, koma sizingokhala, pakhosi, mawotchi, mphete, mabanki, ndikusintha m'matumba. Such a request is not without purpose, but is based on several scientific considerations.

X-rays are a type of electromagnetic wave. They have high energy and can penetrate the soft tissues of the human body. However, when they encounter materials with higher density, such as metals, they will be absorbed or reflected by them. If the patient carries metal objects, these objects will block or produce obvious bright spots on the X-ray imaging. This phenomenon is called “artifact”. Zinthu zakale zimatha kukhudza momveka bwino komanso kulondola kwa chithunzi chomaliza, ndikupangitsa kuti zikhale zovuta kuti akatswiri a madiologiologine atulutsidwe, potero amakhudza matendawa matendawa komanso kutsimikiza mtima kwa mapulani.

Zinthu zina zachitsulo zimatha kubweretsa mafunde ang'onoang'ono akakhala ndi ma X-ray. Although this current is harmless to the human body in most cases, in rare cases it may be harmful to electronic medical equipment such as pacemakers. Patients may cause interference and affect the normal operation of the equipment. Therefore, for the sake of patient safety, it is necessary to eliminate this uncertain risk.

Kuvala zovala kapena zowonjezera zomwe zimakhala ndi zitsulo nthawi zina zimayambitsa zovuta kapena kusapeza bwino kwa odwala X-ray mayeso. Mwachitsanzo, zipper zippers kapena mabatani amatha kutenthedwa ndi ma X-ray panthawi ya njira zakumbuyo. Ngakhale kuti matenthedwewa nthawi zambiri sadziwika, ndi bwino kupewa kuchita zachitetezo ndi chitonthozo.

Kuphatikiza pa zomwe takambiranazi, kuchotsa zinthu zachitsulo kungathandizenso kufulumira njira yonse yoyendera. Odwala okonzekera bwino mayeso amatha kuthandizira kukonza ntchito yogulitsa, ndikuchepetsa kuwonekera kwa radiation komwe kumayambitsidwa ndi kujambula mobwerezabwereza, komanso kuthandiza nthawi yodikirira kuti odwala omwe akudikirira m'chipatala.

Ngakhale kuti kuchotsa zinthu zachitsulo kuchokera m'thupi kumatha kuyambitsa zovuta kwakanthawi, njira imeneyi ndiyofunikira pakuwonetsetsa kulondola kwa X-ray, chitetezo chokwanira komanso ntchito zamankhwala.

https://www.newheekxray.com/collimator-for-achine -

Post Nthawi: Meyi-07-2024